Space Maintainers

Sometimes a child may lose a tooth before their adult teeth are ready to grow in. It may not seem like a problem at the moment, but it can lead to more problems if not maintained properly. Your dentist can place a space maintainer in your child’s mouth to ensure that their adult teeth will grow in properly.

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What Is a Space Maintainer?

A space maintainer is a device used to leave enough space open for permanent teeth to grow in after baby teeth are lost prematurely. Not taking care of a gap can lead to expensive problems down the road. There are many reasons that a child may lose baby teeth prematurely including, trauma, accidents, or tooth decay. There are several types of space maintainers. Depending on the situation, Dr. Schoengold will recommend a suitable space maintainer for your child.

Are Space Maintainers Necessary?

One important function of a baby tooth is to reserve space for the adult tooth. If a baby tooth falls out prematurely, the empty space may cause adult teeth to become crooked as they grow in. If your child has lost a tooth prematurely, consult with Dr. Schoengold to see if your child needs a space maintainer.

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Schoengold Dental Group
435 North St White Plains NY 10605
3800 Independence Avenue Riverdale NY 10463
+1 516-646-2013
White Plains: Mon-Fri 9:30am–6pm
White Plains: Sunday 9am–4pm
Riverdale: Mon-Fri 9:30am–6pm
USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, Cherry, LendingClub
Dr. Jeffrey B. Schoengold Founder and Dentist
Dr. Josh Rub Associate Dentist